Evolutionary Guidance

Find Your Evolutionary Flow
working 1:1 with David

Living a life of our own design starts by understanding the fundamentals of the system in which we all exsist. With that understanding we can employ a handfull of questions, or lines of inquiry, that we can use to become something of our own design.
The 4 lines of inquiry (introduced in Solocast 11) are the cornerstone of creating our world through our interactions with the creative energies of the causal plane. And as we learn to bring the answers to the four questions into alignment with our intended becoming, magic breaks out all over the place!
This is the secret to alchemical creation, mystical manifestation, and living a life that is beyond apprehension for the average human being.
David has been working with these energies and this process many years and has learned that it is not always easy, and it is not for the faint of heart. The reward, however, is a life of more meaning, growth, abundance and connection.
When you enter into this process your life will change. Are you ready for it?
Pricing is $164 USD per session, minimum 4 weekly sessions to start. 1st session is 90 minutes. Each session thereafter is 1 hour. Click below to schedule a free 30 minute exploratory video call.
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